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Logo – Franzefoss Minerals


At the Tromsdalen plant in Verdal, day-to-day operations are performed in an open pit mine with drilling, blasting, loading and transport, as well as crushing and fractionation of limestone to grades based on market needs.

The business is based on one of Europe’s purest and largest limestone deposits (CaCO3). The purity and structure of the limestone make it suitable for producing quick lime for all kinds of purposes in a variety of market areas such as industry, agriculture, food, water and sewage treatment, construction products and more. The limestone is particularly suitable for the production of PCC (precipitated calcium carbonate) used in environmentally friendly paper production.

The deposit is estimated at 3 billion tonnes of usable limestone down to sea level. The Geological Survey of Norway estimates the total deposit to be around 7.5 billion tonnes. This makes the deposit of one of Europe’s most important carbonate deposits and one of Norway’s most important mineral resources.Verdalskalk is currently in the process of regulating a quarry that will allow us to extract limestone for 100 years.

Kjell Ivar Nonset
tlf. +4792037973
tlf. +4792037973

Contact us

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us.

Verdalskalk AS
Tromsdalsvegen 442
7657 Verdal

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