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AGRI – Agricultural lime

Agricultural lime creates balance for both plants and animals. We have been in agriculture since 1919, and today, we are Norway’s largest supplier of liming products. Lime and magnesium are vital both for plant growth and for animal health. Agricultural lime is important for ensuring correct pH levels in the soil so that everything that lives and grows in the earth thrives, and lime is added as a source of calcium in animal feed.

Grain and oil crops

Lime ensures the correct pH and the correct nutrient balance for grain and oil crops.

Meadows and pastures

Liming acidic soil has many benefits.


Using lime in potato production ensures the correct pH and the nutritional balance of the potato crops.


The use of lime in vegetable production is important for plant health and ensures a nutritional balance in the products.

Lime spreading

We partner with a number of spreading contractors around the country.

Feed lime

Adding lime to animal feed ensures the correct nutritional balance and improves animal welfare.

Manure cellars

Lime produces more homogeneous livestock fertiliser and reduces odour problems and wear and tear on buildings.

Organic farming

We offer a range of lime products that are approved for organic farming.

Gardens and lawns

Lime is important in the garden to create balance in both lawns and plants.


Lime is used to create a better climate in barns and for disinfection.


Our lime is ideal for composting food waste / wet organic waste.

Snow melting

Some years there are problems when the snow melts late. Adding lime helps speed up the melting of snow and ice.

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